Black Friday - Further Proof that People are Idiots

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sure. With this economy we need any push we can get.

Buy stuff. Buy stuff. Buy stuff!!!

Who doesn't like a good deal? I know I do. These days money is tight and many of us are questioning whether we really need that latte this morning or should I buy the store brand gallon of milk to save 60 cents.

BUT WHO ARE THESE RETARDS who are getting to the stores at midnight so that they can save $50 on a $800 flatscreen or be guaranteed that you get the hot Elmo-Jerks-Himself-Off for your two year-old who'd be happy playing with an empty box?

Come on. I had a couple friends call me to let me know of their Black Friday Adventures. How they got there, found what they needed in the first twenty minutes then spent 2-3 hours in the checkout line. I'm certain there are worse places to be, but for me, I would have to compare it to something out of Dante's Inferno.

Now for those of you who partake in Cyber Monday: Right On.

In fact, do it while you're at work. Stick it to the man! Make money while you save money.

Just don't tell us about how awesome it was.

No one cares.


Real Review - The LG FX-1 Multimedia HDD

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I recently decided to purchase a multimedia control unit for my wife to use. While I was fine hooking up my Mac to the LCD TV and plugging in my terabyte HD to that to watch movies, it was not the most user friendly experience.
I did my homework. I got to see some of my buddies media centers in action. I priced units and decided on two models that would probably work for us. We went to Worst Buy and started looking. Immediately, we were approached by someone that could possibly be of service. After some discussion with the "expert",  he convinced me to purchase the LG FX-1 Multimedia HDD. This sounded great! It was supposedly capable of reading virtually all needed files, including the ever-so important subtitle files, SRT's, etc. The bonus being that unlike its competitors, it has a 500 gig HD built in! This is important because it was the same price as the non-HD units I was considering. It also said "Mac compatible".
Eagerly we drive home to set up our new gadget. I unpack the unit, making sure all is there. The first sign something may be amiss was seeing one of those mini-cd/rom's in the box and no hardcopy owners manual. 
The paperwork that did come with it told me I could go straight to LG's site for further assistance. I decided to fire it up plugged into the Mac. As I suspected, the HD was formatted NTFS. 
No worries, the Mac has a nifty little program called Disk Utility in which I can format any drive into just about any conceivable format. This includes FAT-ass 32 and NTFS (NoTFuckingSafe).
I format the mounted volume to Mac OS Extended(Journaled), and drug some files over to test. Things go down hill from here.

Attaching the FX-1 to the TV, I turn the unit on and then the television. The FX-1 immediately informs me it is formatting itself... I start to frown a bit. It finishes. I check for my files. Gone! The FX-1 gets unplugged. I plug it back into my Mac. Disk Utility reports as I had feared, NTFS format! I repeat the steps. To no avail...
To those of you that know Mac's, they are very forgiving. They can read FAT and NTFS files like a champ! The same is not true of FAT and NTFS! Hence my need to make this FX-1's HD Mac OS compatible. NO DAMN DICE!!

Here's where the teeth gnashing and hair pulling session come in. I'm not about to stick that miniature cd of death into my laptop, so I go to LG's website, per the instructions given in what little paperwork I had. 
UHHHHH.... LG's website has never heard of this product. I even tried typing in it's fucking serial number, to no avail. I tried LG's over-sea's sites. NADA!
At this point I'm relegated to looking for a pdf of the owners manual. Nothing on RapidShare or like sites. Nothing on Bitorrent. Nothing on sites that reviewed the damn thing!! ZERO!
I calmly wrapped the piece of stinking, poorly engineered, shit up and returned it the next day!
 I considered loosing my cool to a manager at Worst Buy, telling him/her about my wasted gas, wasted time, and the employee that recommended this contraption, knowing full well I asked about its Mac compatibility. I did not this time, for fear my anger may get the best of me.
I haven't given a rating for anything yet on this site, so I have no guideline. So how about this... I'll call them ANGRY YELLS. The order being 1 Angry Yell being the best and 10 being the worst. This steaming hunk of wasted time gets 7 ANGRY YELLS.

LG has FAILED!!!

P.S.   Just today while writing this I found the damn thing on LG's site dedicated to it's junk. Try sitting through the "flash fest" that is it's site and tell me if you still have the nerve...
On another note--- I got the Western Digital TV Live. Works like a damn champ!!


Ever Notice - People in Waco are Really Creative

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Waco, Texas.

Home of David Koresh and his Branch Davidians and Trista Joy Lathern.

Trista faked having breast cancer and told people that she was on chemotherapy.

She went as far a shaving her head and putting out fliers all over Waco for a fundraiser in her honor to help pay for her bullshit-treatments because "her health insurance had run out".

Hundreds of apparent suckers showed up at the event that hosted four bands a raffle and a bake sale. Upwards of $10,000 was raised for Trista's titty fund.

Titty Fund? Yes!

Trista used the money to get breast implants.

I have to admit this is the most creative way I've ever heard of someone raising for my implants.

It almost worked too, except as creative as Trista was, she's not real bright. She went to a plastic surgeon in Waco that HAD SEEN THE FLIERS FOR THE FUNDRAISER.

Needless to say the doc was suspicous and called the cops when Trista brought over 3 grand in cash for the down payment on the surgery.

The best part is that her husband was fouled as well. He maintains that he did not know that she didn't have cancer until the police came to question her.

Trista was arrested on November 4th for theft by deception and was released on bond two days later. The same day in fact that her husband filed for an annulment of their 7 month marriage. He also requested custody of their two son's ages 3 and 5.

Ages 3 and 5? 7 month marriage? Well its Texas after all. At least she's not 14.

Trista was re-arrested on the 9th because the Waco PD found a warrant for her on check fraud charges from 2007. Obviously the Waco PD is really on the ball. Aren't they the ones that freaked out on the Davidians and called in the AFT?

With all due respect,
The Chief

The State of Bigotry in America 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sure. We have a black President and we've come a long way from the 50s and 60s. Racism has calmed down. It's definitely still there but not to the point where it's a national concern. Bigotry, however, is alive and well. I would say thriving.

Before you ask, there is a difference between Racism and Bigotry. As much as you'd like to say you're not a bigot I want to ask you a few questions. Has any of the similar to the following ever happened to you?

• Have you ever been stuck in line at a store behind a Middle Eastern guy and his wife? Was he stern and difficult with the checkout lady, questioning every other item's price when it rang up, all the while his wife stood there obediently? Was he purchasing 20 2-liter bottles of Pepsi and 10 cases of Mountain Dew? Can you make bombs with this shit?

• How about being in a different neighborhood buying beer on Sunday, taking a break from football, with your buddy and in front of you in the checkout lane you spot MC Hammer. He's wearing sunglasses inside and about 10 different chains with a brand new fancy shirt and sneakers. You laugh as your buddy points out that he's paying with WIK vouchers. Whaa?

• How about traveling out to Jefferson County and getting gas and having to lock the car when you're out of it because everyone seems to be smoking meth?

• How surprised were you when you heard about the Fort Hood shootings only to find out that the shooter was named Nidal Malik Hasan? And, get this, a Muslim. Shocker!

• Don't you love waiting at a stop light and you avoid eye contact with the loser who's panhandling a couple cars ahead? Don't you think to yourself how hard you just worked to earn the money in your pocket?

• Are you aggravated every time you use an ATM and have to choose English or Spanish? And you live in the Midwest?

Is it me or do we have a long way to go?

I'm sure it's me.
