Help Us Zombi Reagan, You're Our Only Hope!!-less... (REAL REVIEW)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I haven't posted in some time, other than to say I hadn't been posting in some time, but in perusing the App's store it was suggested by Genius (part of the App's store) that I may like this app...

Firstly, I lived all of the Reagan Era and was none too impressed by Bedtime for Bonzo's twin partner in crime. People really seem to have a short memory, sorry Ronnie, pun intended! Where should I start??

Well let's see, the busting of the Air Traffic Controllers Union, I know don't start federal law prohibits government workers from striking, blah, blah, blah! The social impact was the target here. 11,000 plus workers---GONE a big thumbs down to unions and both thumbs up for business.

Reaganomics, a term that still haunts us to this day! While the promise of low taxes hits the average Pepsi-swillin', McDonald's eatin', American squarely in the pleasure centers of his/her monobrowed brain-case; that policy did very little for most middle class people. The military budget was raised higher that any other peace time Prez, 30%+ higher!! His policies toward Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps, were so profound that many elderly were eating canned dog food cause they couldn't afford med's, etc. At the same time all budgets that may have had an air of coffee house hangin', art fag-ish, crystal waving, incense burnin', liberalism were sent to the budgetary shitter!! Things as wacky as, federal education programs and the EPA to name a few!! All of this to eventually grab the American people the largest known deficit in history at that time, 3 trillion dollars!!!

While many people argue that it's a good thing the stance he took on Communism, the so called Reagan Doctrine was a very mixed blessing, if one were to call it that. "To provide overt and covert aid to anti-communist resistance movements in an effort to rollback the Soviets and governments with their backing." The biggest baddest piece of under-handed law breaking bullshit was the Iran Contra affair!! This is one of the biggest pieces of chicanery in our American history! Do you know how many people went to jail over that shit?!? High Treason I tell ya!! Does anybody know how many very poor south American countries he help to utterly decimate?!
How about "The War On Drugs"?!?!? This has got to be, and backed by statistics, the biggest waste of time and tax-payer money ever!! Well, second probably to our never-ending war in Iraq, when I think about it. Tell me one good thing the War on Drugs produced!! I can tell the reader of some. Millions of nonviolent offenders being taught how to very violent! Millions of kids growing up in broken homes, which compounds the situation! Assets that get seized that go into voluminous coffers to which you or I get to see none of, or know what gets done with! That's just to name a few.
Oh one good thing... I guess we all got to understand exactly what Alzheimer's disease is!
But I digress.
This is a review of an app. It's an app about a president that just wants to gloat about who "King Ronnie Raygun" was. BORING!!! ZERO stars.
Oh yeah anybody remember the Star Wars program?? That was sockin' money down a rabbit hole for ya'!!

Angry Brady


Darth Taco said...

It's FREE?
Awesome. I was ready to pay at least $.99 for this.
Oh yeah, leave the Star Wars references to me Brady!

Anonymous said...

I've read a few of your other posts and knew exactly what you were going to write before I skimmed it. BORING. We hear enough of the anti-republican/anti-conservative angles from the mainstream media. Just saying. You are smart guy. You could have picked so many other apps to review. But then you couldn't use your very high liberal intellect to astonish us.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous... The bigger shame is that YOU are so myopic that you would think I am a liberal OR conservative!! Everyone in your world has to fit into a few smiple-minded pigeon holes! I think both the liberal and conservative mindsets are so fatally flawed that it's laughable, if one were a thinking person. You must not read most of my stuff. Go on now and be a good little sheeple like Unkie Sam told you to. BOTH POLITICAL MINDSETS ARE THE SAME WOLF IN SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT SHEEPS CLOTHING... doofus