It's Miley!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ok. So Miley Cyrus was the "mentor" on American Idol tonight.


I'm not going to deny that she is a talented young girl but really, couldn't she be replaced with any one of many photogenic, somewhat coordinated American girls who can sing?
Miley Cyrus is a shitty trend that has taken hold of pop culture all the way back to the emergence of Britney Fucking Spears.
A lot can happen in ten years. I'm sure, if I really thought about it, I could come up with examples that go even further back than Britney's "Oh baby baby" bullshit.

Here's what I think. Every time that some cute teen gets a hit record ANY cute teen could have done it. I'm sure you idiots really like the "artist" performing the hit song but know this: you would have heard the song anyway. It would have just been sung by someone else. They didn't write it. All of these songs are written by the same 15 people anyway.
Miley recorded it because her daddy has been spending his achey-breaky money for the last 17 years in an effort to get his little girl to be a star.
But really, is he that different from most of the fathers out there in the world who want to make Daddy's Little Princess's dreams come true? Puke.

Back to the Idol crap.

Let's get rid of the whole mentoring segment on Idol. The only reason they're on there is so that they can whore themselves out for whatever record or TV show they need the idiot public to spend their money on. It's rare that they get someone on there that's worth a shit. Even when they get someone who is established they just get on there and embarrass themselves like Elton John or Andrew Lloyd Weber. Hell, Quentin Tarantino made more sense.

I guess it could have been worse, they could have had Kanye mentoring.
Have I mentioned that I hate that guy?



Anonymous said...

I knew she was a fan of the site